Frequently Asked Questions

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NOTE: The ARM EMCenter firmware updates MUST be updated in the following order to get the latest version: 1. Gold v.3.3.3 (Section 6.1) 2. Gold v.4.1.6 (Section 4.1) 3. Gold 4.3.2 (Section 3.1) 4. Latest incremental (Section 2.1) 5. Compare info page to current versions list (Section 1.3)

​Yes, you absolutely can run EMQuest on Windows 10 and Windows 7. In fact, we are developing EMQuest on Windows 10 64-bit machines. You must run EMQuest in administrator mode (right click on icon, select “Advanced” button and select the “Run as administrator” option) or your configuration files, raw data, parameter files, etc. will go into a user specific shadow directory. Note that just being an administrator on the machine isn’t enough, you have to specifically tell applications to run in admin mode to avoid the shadow directory issue. Microsoft's Windows 7 support ends on January 14, 2020. We won't do anything to prevent EMQuest from running on Windows 7 at that time, but we will no longer be able to test on Windows 7. If you need help moving to Windows 10, please contact us.

Back-up your equipment configurations, parameters, and raw data files before uninstalling or reinstalling EMQuest. • Equipment configuration files (.ECF) contain the communication settings, defaults parameters, and user defined names of all the equipment used in the measurement tests and are located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS-Lindgren\EMQuest\Equipment\Configurations" folder. • The default location for parameter files for the measurement tests is the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS-Lindgren\EMQuest\Parameters" folder. • The default location for EMQuest raw data files is the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS-Lindgren\EMQuest\Raw Data" folder and also where the history database file ("CalibrationHistory.DBF") is located. • EMQuest start-up options are saved in the "EMQuest.ini" file which is located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS-Lindgren\EMQuest" folder. EMQuest allows the option to change the default database, raw data, and parameter file folder locations. Any user-defined locations can be found under the EMQuest Tools→Option menu and the "Paths" tab of the Options dialog. NOTE: In Windows 7 and beyond, you need to run EMQuest in Administrator mode and you must have administration permissions on your computer to do this. • To run EMQuest in Administrator mode, right-click on the EMQuest desktop icon and select "Properties", then on the "Compatibility" tab select "Run this program as an administrator", and press OK. • NOTE that if EMQuest was NOT run in Administrator mode when you saved your files, the paths mentioned above can be found under the “C:\Users\ [YourLoginName]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ETS-Lindgren\EMQuest" folder.

The latest version of TILE! 7 is compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows 11.

If you want to add two ranges such as two antenna ranges together you can use the max(x,y) equation. This is typically used to find the highest level of two similar ranges. However, it is not restricted to similar ranges, therefor you can add dis-similar ranges. If there is a frequency overlap or duplicate, it will return the highest amplitude of the two. Example: To add a log periodic range to a bicon range you would do max(bicon,log). This is easier than storing the files, then transferring them back with the append feature.

In the Log Options GUI under the "Prompt" column. If you select all of the boxes beneath it, it will allow you to perform any action line-by-line so you can see what TILE! is doing. This will allow you to catch the command that is of concern. The log file is good to capture the hard copy, but this will be great to use over the phone and email. There is also a selector to allow Error Checking for drivers that will support it. If the drivers support this feature, the log will display any error that instrument returns.

NOTE: This tip was so handy, we used it to create the TILE! Launcher found in TILE! 6 Yes! This was sent in from Charlie Rankin at Motorola. C:\tile\TILE.exe C:\tile\foldername\profilename.TIL /Start There is a space between TIL and /Note, the word Start represents the first TILE action to be run upon starting the profile.

Any version of TILE! that is already installed continues to run forever. Newer versions of TILE released after that date will not run. The simulator no longer runs. Email/phone service is no longer available. Portal Login Access ends.

Margins are calculated based on the corrected emission compared to the limit. Often the limit line data element does not account for a single frequency breakpoint such as 230MHz in EN 55022. At this breakpoint the limit changes from 30dBuV/m to 37dBuV/m. If the limit line has this break listed as: 230MHz 30 230MHz 37 If the frequency is entered as 230MHz at both points TILE! does not know which value to look at and will interpolate from a previous or next frequency. The limit line will look correct on the graph but any calculations using the limit line will be offset by the interpolation. The method to overcome this offset is to ensure that the breakpoint has a frequency difference that is something less than the measurement bandwidth so that it is insignificant but makes the math work. A suggested value is +1 Hz. Using the example above: 230000000 30 230000001 37 If this is captured from a .csv file take care to make the frequency column a Number type instead of the default General type. If it is left to the default, it will truncate the 1 Hertz and drop it out. The entry in Excel will look like this: 2.30E+8 30 2.30E+8 37 If you have a limit line that you want to validate, use the Entry action to open and view it. If it is incorrect, you can fix it there.

Emails from our portal come from the following addresses:;; Have your IT Team add them to your email whitelist to prevent possible spam blocks from occurring, as well as check your spam email folder:

Need to install LabVIEW Runtime Engine 32-bit and NI-488.2 (32 or 64 bit), before installing latest TILE!7 version from portal.

Is your key registered? Is your key plugged in and the red light on? Are you in active maintenance? Are your Microsoft Windows drivers up to date? Do you have the prerequisite NI-Drivers installed? Do you have the latest version of TILE7?

• Intel i7, current revision • Microsoft Windows 10 or Microsoft Windows 11 • 16 GB RAM • 1 TB free hard drive space, SSD is better • DVD/CD-ROM optional • 2 Ethernet ports • 4 USB 3.0 ports • NI GPIB to USB adapter (If using any GPIB instruments) • 24-inch monitor


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